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[vdr] Re: Tech line in epg colour changing

On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Paul Lacatus (PL) wrote:

PL> > in any case the color shouldn't change depending on absolute numbers
PL> > but on the percent values achieved from LoSS, HiSS, LoSNR, HiSNR.
PL> >
PL>  Now after I've already made some modifications ( see
PL> for a new patch) i think you're right :-)
PL>     What values do you propose ? In percents ?

hmm,  I  don't  know.  As  I  said,  my SS and SNR values are more or less
constant  and I don't know at which values (neither absolute nor relative)
the picture get's blocky or even disappears. But I think, your idea itself
is ok:

no picture           -> red
bad (blocky picture) -> yellow
good picture         -> green

PL> > BTW.:  how  do  you get the "blocky" values? do you rotate your dish
PL> > until  the  picture  is  blocky  or are there just some channels you
PL> > can't get the picture better?
PL> >
PL>  No, I have some channels that are black in the morning, blocky in the
PL> afternoon and clear in the evening :-)

I see.

c ya
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                -- Mark Twain

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