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[vdr] Re: error compiling mp3 extension (vdr 1.0.4 + AIO-08.07)

you must install libsndfile-0.0.28. Have you installed 1.0.0 version ?

Uwe Weissbach wrote:

>If compiling with MP3=1 I got the following error:
>g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -DVCDSUPPORT -
>DTXTSUPPORT -I../DVB/ost/include mp3-decoder-snd.c
>mp3-decoder-snd.c: In method `struct Decode * cSndDecoder::Decode()':
>mp3-decoder-snd.c:173: `struct SF_INFO' has no member named `pcmbitwidth'
>mp3-decoder-snd.c: In method `bool cSndInfo::DoScan(bool = 0)':
>mp3-decoder-snd.c:613: `struct SF_INFO' has no member named `pcmbitwidth'
>mp3-decoder-snd.c: In method `bool cSndFile::Open(bool = 1)':
>mp3-decoder-snd.c:670: implicit declaration of function `int sf_open_read(...)'
>mp3-decoder-snd.c:670: assignment to `SNDFILE *' from `int' lacks a cast
>make: *** [mp3-decoder-snd.o] Error 1
>any suggestions ???
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>(see it with monospaced font)
> Uwe Weissbach, Leipzig
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