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[vdr] Re: Help! DVD-Problems with Patterson and Findus

On Friday 12 July 2002 13:39, Michael Bösch wrote:
> > But as i said, there is a second problem still pending.
> Maybe this helps finding the problem. I've noticed this behaviour playing
> DVDs with subtitles. A few minutes after I started the movie, the driver
> seems to crash and an arm reset is seen. Then a second instance of vdr is
> started and no navigation is possible anymore. If I do a 'killall 9 vdr'
> the driver restarts and everything is fine again.

i guest you are running vdr with runvdr or something alike. This will reload 
the driver everytime vdr exists. That means, it could also be that not the 
arm, but vdr crashed and either first attempt to reload the driver failed or 
vdr started up again before the driver was ready ...
Anyway, i do suspect the SPU code of being the source of the memory 

> But I've got another problem with playing DVDs. Anamorphic menus aren't
> shown in the correct aspect ratio. This is no big deal but there are some
> movies like '007 Der Morgen stirbt nie' and the german version of 'The man
> who wasn't there' where the correct aspect ratio isn't recognized by vdr
> for the whole movie and I only see 'eggheads'.

yeah, the problem here is, that sometimes the MPEG attributes and the IFO 
attributes disagree. The DVB card only sees the MPEG attributes and switches 
modes accordingly. I have yet to figure out what the right combination is. 
Sometime 4:3 material is encoded with the 16:9 flag set, which will screw it 
up, sometimes it's excatly the other way arround. Same goes for the menues, 
only that here the menue SPU's also have to match.

Andreas Schultz <>
Student of computer science

"In accordance with plans for Linux OS world domination
      infiltration of governments is vital (:-))."

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