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[vdr] Re: Playback from CDs

Am Samstag, 13. Juli 2002 23:11 schrieben Sie:
> > Would it be possible to implement some possibility to directly playback
> > VDR
> > files from CDs.
> I have solved this by this way:
> I have installd a cheap Nacamichi 7 CD-Changer.
> Then i have set the maxfilesise to 700mb and write 2 or 3 Cdīs of a movie.
> The CD-Changing take 3-5 Seconds - but thatīs no problem.

Ohh so you creatively mount all CDs and link to them so you have all files in 
one directory? Sounds interresting.

> Works well here with old recordings - but now i use only DVD-R

Ohh that would be to expensive for me, DVD-R is stil more expensive than 
harddisks I think.

#define T 1000
#define M T*T
int main(){int x,y;for(y=0;y<20;y++){for(x=0;x<70;x++){int
c=-1;int xr,yr,zr;int xp,yp,zp;xp=yp=zp=0;xr=(x-35);yr=(y-
)/T)%2==1))c=0;break;}if(zp>T*10){c=0;if (((yp*yp+xp*xp)/(

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