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[vdr] Re: Speed up the opening of Recordingsmenu ?

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:24:18 +0200, Klaus Schmidinger
<> wrote:

> Is there anything VDR could do to achieve this?
> I haven't found anything in the GNU Library Refrence Manual that would
> allow an application to limits the size of the system's disk buffers
> for a particular file handle.

I think VDR can nothing do here, except you want to implement your own
video filesystem on top of raw disks. ;-)

This functionality should either be a property of the underlying
filesystem (either manually selected during mount or automatically by
using heuristics), or better the general file management setable per
file with fcntl() (allowed buffer size). In most UNIX systems this could
be implemented very easily because the pages currently used by a file
are on a sequential list of the vnode. Reusing or dropping old pages in
a fifo manner is easy to do. But I haven't looked into Linux in this
regard. May be someone else already familar with the Linux way can look
into this.

The only thing VDR would have to do is to use fcntl() after opening a
video file for reading or writing.


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