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[vdr] Re: VDR files to vob

Andreas Schultz wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 July 2002 23:37, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>>Andreas Schultz wrote:
>>>On Tuesday 16 July 2002 20:04, Rene Bartsch wrote:
>>>>I agree to SCR-implementation as I realized MPlayer plays the VDR-files
>>>>faster than recorded by vdr which results in EOF after some time of
>>>I looked a bit more into the remuxing and i will not spend any more time
>>>on it. The remuxer will have to be rewritten from ground up to get
>>>sensible results
>>What's wrong with it? I thought it would just take an extra data
>>record to satisfy dumb players?
> The players YES, but not the VOB format. I think the ultimate goal should be 
> to be able to record the resulting file without further processing to a DVD 
> (at least that would be my goal). For that the PS packets have to be 2048 
> bytes, which in turn means that the contained PES packets can be max. 2034 
> bytes long (including the PES header).

You are right, the ultimate goal should be compliance to the VOB format. 
But I think a short term goal could be to gain compatibility with dumb 
players. The reason for this is that this would make further processing 
much more easy.

There isn't many Software, which could deal with the current vdr format
(currently I know pvastrumento under win32 and mplayer/mencoder under 
linux). So  therefore you have an additional step: demux. This step 
involves in most cases a/v-sync problems. Player software is designed to 
avoid this problem. My short tests with your quick hack didn't show this 
problems too. Besides this the additional step is time consuming and 
needs a lot of hd space.

> [...]


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