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[vdr] Re: AIO 17.07

Andy Grobb wrote:

>New AIO for VDR 1.0.4
    Please be aware that on 09.07 I have released some modifications of 
the tech patch that were applying on the 08.07 patch released  by 
Andreas Roedl . That patch can be found at Modifications were announced on vdr 
discussion list.
    Now in your 17.07 patch they does not appear, even I have notified 
Andreas Roedl about this modifications in a message that was an answer 
to his revocation announce of 08.07 patch with this text:

> Andreas Roedl wrote:
>> I'm currently working on a new AIO.
>    Then if you please you may integrate the attached file in your patch.
> Explanations from a previous message on vdr list :
> Some new improvements are to find in .
> Basically I 've settled the snr limits where the color of the Tech 
> line in EPG is changing by two setup.conf records.
> The RedLim and YelLim . The values are reported to the SNR bargraph 
> (0..20) and for me looks like well to be 5 and 8.
> Thanks a lot,
> Paul 

    Since tomorrow  I am starting my holiday and there I won't be able 
to work on patches for vdr, and if You will be so kind , take the 
AIO-0907.diff.gz file from the web page and make it to apply over your 
1707 patch and integrate it in  your next version of AIO patch. Since 
there are only a few lines of code I hope You will find some moments to 
make it work.


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