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[vdr] Re: Disk suggestions?

Am Samstag, 20. Juli 2002 07:32 schrieben Sie:
> Sorry for the bothering question!
> I'm going to buy hard drive(s) for VDR recordings (personal use):
> does anyone want to give me suggestion about the system (RAID(0,1,0+1),
> SCSI...), individual disk's size (80GB or more?), filesystem to use?
> I was thinking about 200GB, but, in the case of RAID, I should use some
> disks of the same size and get them once for all, instead I'd like to
> get only 1 disk now and other later, but, if I'm right, a once you write
> on a RAID you can't add disk(s) without loosing old data.
> About the filesystem:
> I'd like it would be accessible also from windoze, but vfat is very bad
> for large amount of data; I don't know if there is any tool to read ext3
> or whatever from windoze.
> Thank you all

Why don't you install samba on your Linux box, so you can access your data 
from Windows. This works rather well since Samba even changes all 
filenames to that CP/M 8.3 scheme. I've tried it with 2 versions of 
Windows and I have to say this seems to be the only way you can reliably 
use parttions bigger than 2Gb with Windows. The Problem is, you'd need a 
second computer, but since Windows requires special processors (only some 
Intel ones and clones of them work) you'll need one anyhow.

#define T 1000
#define M T*T
int main(){int x,y;for(y=0;y<20;y++){for(x=0;x<70;x++){int
c=-1;int xr,yr,zr;int xp,yp,zp;xp=yp=zp=0;xr=(x-35);yr=(y-
)/T)%2==1))c=0;break;}if(zp>T*10){c=0;if (((yp*yp+xp*xp)/(

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