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[vdr] OT: Shell script


does anyone know how to call a shell script from another and give a filename 
as paramterer just _exactly_ as it is ? Without bash interpreting anything ?

I have this problem, that certain filenames (from VDR) are changed when giving 
them as argument to a second script ! Especially ' characters, which are also 
ommited when using echo, are interpreted, or dropped it seems !

# Variable $SRC has the complete string (including) "bad" characters
echo $SRC >out1.txt
script2 $SRC

# this is script2 !
echo $1 > out2.txt

out1.txt and out2.txt differ ! The second one has the characters stripped off 
already :-(

Also script2 "$SRC" did not change anything :-(

btw: echo $SRC (to the console) gives same output as out2.txt is ! But 
out1.txt is different !

Anyone ?


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