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[vdr] Re: DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5

> Because the number keys are more convenient on my remote control and because 
> of:
>     case kUp:      Play(); break;
>     case kDown:    Pause(); break;
>     case kLeft:    Backward(); break;
>     case kRight:   Forward(); break;
> Menus on most DVD's are also just video/audio sequences played over and over  
> again. To be able to have a double meaning of those keys, i would have to use 
> the "User Operation Flags" which then would not allow you anymore to skip 
> over those stupid intro copyright messages.
> Andreas

Hi Andreas,

just a small story from commercial business (I'm working with Philips's source
code of the DVD home players):

We also have up/down/left/right rerouted to playback functions
(pause/slow/backward/forward in our case as long no menu is up)
And now guess what ? 
The DVD logo certification lab is complaining about it ;-)

Anyhow using the real cursor keys would work with some people (like me) that
use remotes with more keys (I use OneForAll Signature 7040)
In a DVD menu maybe skipping (green/yellow key) would do the job of skipping
the intros/copyright junk...

regards	peter

P.S. a small hint: comercial code is an even bigger, more expensive heap of

What's realy missing in VDR/DVD is the PseudoPAL output for NTSC disc's using a
PAL60 mode...

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