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[vdr] Re: DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>>This example shows the current config:
>># program-key  remote-key
>>vdr-menu-up     UP
>>vdr-menu-down   DOWN
>>mplayer-menu-up 2
>>mplayer-menu-down       8
>>Now Klaus and me could change it to:
>># program-key  remote-key
>>vdr-menu-up     UP
>>vdr-menu-down   DOWN
>>mplayer-menu-up UP
>>mplayer-menu-down       DOWN
>>That way all the differrent keys in all menus could be changed.
> Please help me if I'm missing something here: why should the *same* function
> be assigned to *different* keys in the various parts of a program?
> Wouldn't the user expect the "Up" function to be always on the same key?
Surely - most time the same same key should do the same. But there can always be 
a reason why not.
So wouldn't it be possible to create a config file, where all vdr-relevant keys 
can be assigned to the IR-command the user wants to use for it ? It also should 
be possible to assign more than one IR command to same vdr function.
e.g. in lircd.conf are UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT...
then in the lircvdr-conf file you assign:

and in your code plugin code you just have to ask for :
if InputKey() == GetKey( vdr-menu-up ) then ...

You just need to universal functions for it: one to read the key(InputKey) and 
another one(GetKey) which returns the defintion of key from the conf file.

So new keys could easily be added, by just entering a new line to the conf file.

I hope you can understand what I wrote in my kitchen english, but from my point 
of view, this should be the way to go :-)

Helmut Auer,

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