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[vdr] Re: Can't record MPEG1 ?

Karsten Mueller wrote:
> Hi again folks,
> while editing a recorded movie, some strange errors appeared in my syslogs:
>  > Jul 29 23:08:09 player vdr[3033]: recording VDR file to
>    '/video/%Frau_2_sucht_Happy_End/2002-07-'
>  > Jul 29 23:08:34 player kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device
>    ide0(3,64)
>  > Jul 29 23:08:34 player kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device
>    ide0(3,64)
> I did NOT change neither DVD nor CD during the editing process, I did
> not even touch it...

I also observed this once or twice, but have no explanation for them.
They don't come from VDR, though.

>  > Jul 29 23:08:34 player vdr[2951]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
> What the heck is this ? Of course VDR can't record MPEG1 and nobody
> wanted it to do so ...(?)

Looks like you have a weak signal, so the data is somewhat distorted
and while scanning it, VDR "believes" it found an MPEG1 header.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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