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[vdr] Re: I have another dream ;-)


On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Luca Merega wrote:
> 2nd question: How to make WOL really working with SuSE 7.3?
Wake on Lan depends on no operating system (cause there is none running on
wake up).
You need:
  - an ATX power supply with ATX mainboard
  - a BIOS capable of WOL
  - a network card capable of WOL (most on board won't work)
  - a small connector cable from networc card to the appropiate socket on
    the mainboard
  - the hardware-address of the network card in the computer to wake up
  - the tool "etherwake" (or any similar "wake on lan" client, look at or google) and root access on the client.
    usage: ether-wake ha:rd:wa:re:ad:dr

Good luck,
 LinVDR - The Digital Linux Videorecorder     

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