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[vdr] Re: Beginners Questions

Hi List,

Ronald Steininger:
RS> Right, it's not comfortable. It's a time-expensive, hard work to get
RS> VDR up and running. But it's also the best thing you can do with
RS> your PC ;) I'd like to hear other opinions!

You are right, but I think it's possible to supply a easy to install
VDR version. Linux is for free and when a Newbe would install VDR i
don't think he/she would use Suse or RedHat unconditional. So i think
it's possible to bind the "easy to install VDR" with a small distro
from the Net. Then it's for every Newbe the same way to install. (the
Think with the IRReceiver we can do with a Configscript)

And i know that U use Gentoo1.4 ;) So when we say, the only think that
a Newbe has to have on his VDR Machine is a INet-Connection (that's
not so hard to presuppose) then we can hold the "easy to install VDR"
up to date.

 Pietro Pizzi


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