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[vdr] Re: Some suggestions,


> * The big thing, which I am sure has already been discussed before, recording
> shows based on the name. I.e. every day there is a Seinfeld episode here (I
> know I know, we are so behind!! :-), could be a generic timer which records
> anything matching "Seinfeld", regardless of channel or time, automatically
> updated every time new EPG data is available.
> * An external plugin (read: perl script) through which all known program data
> is piped, which filters out programs matching a certain keyword or
> expression, such as an actor/actress, director, or description, and
> automatically schedules the show for recording (low priority). This is of
> course an extended version of the suggestion above this one, and would
> replace it. When more EPG data becomes available, this process is repeated to
> update the timers. I imagine this to work out so that every night, say at 4
> am, after 5 hours of inactivity, VDR scans all channels for EPG data, and
> compiles a new list.
> A kind of automatic, volatile seperate timer list could be added for this (or
> incorporated into the existing timer list), which contains automatically
> scheduled timers, that way the external plugin could communicate with VDR via
> telnet to set these timers and manage them, as long as every once in a while
> VDR triggers a new compilation based on new EPG data.

For this two points exists "Master-Timer"

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated,
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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