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[vdr] Re: emergency exit but no restart

Uwe Weissbach wrote:
> 10 min for the answer! It seems you're always active...
> by the way thanks for thousands of hours of your work.....
> > The runvdr script looks ok. Are you adding any further command line
> > options when
> > calling it (especially '-d')?
> >
> > Please make sure none of your patches messes up with the return level of
> > the main program (in vdr.c). In case of an emergency exit it has to return
> > 1.
> > Here's how the end of vdr.c should look:
> >
> >   if (cThread::EmergencyExit()) {
> >      esyslog("emergency exit!");
> >      return 1;
> >      }
> >   return 0;
> runvdr is called from /etc/initab with
> vdr:235:once:/usr/local/bin/runvdr --shutdown=/usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown --terminal=/dev/tty8 --config=/etc/vdr --epgfile=/var/vdr/
> seems o.k. for me
> in case of the patches, I don't know wich patch messes with return levels
> I have:
> but the end of the patched vdr.c looks like as you say with the only change of this
> LOG_ERR. As far as I can see this does'nt affects the return level...

Sorry, I posted the version from the 1.1.x branch. But that should make no difference.

>   if (cThread::EmergencyExit()) {
>      esyslog(LOG_ERR, "emergency exit!");
>      return 1;
>      }
>   return 0;
> Anything I can do to check this furthermore...?

Well, nothing I could think of. Apparently from the log entries you posted
VDR does go through the "return 1;" statement, but in the runvdr script it
believes the return value is 0.

You could remove the line

  if test $? -eq 0; then exit; fi

from the runvdr script. Then it shouldn't exit from the script at all.


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