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[vdr] Re: automatic startup of vdr

Hi all:

I have also this settings in my /etc/modules.conf but never use them.
The thing i notice is that in Makefile in DVB/driver has
export CURRENT:=$(shell head -1 /usr/include/linux/version.h|( read i j 
k; echo $$k|sed s/\"//g))
reads the kernel version i version.h and i think almost every body have
EXTRAVERSION = XX in ther kernel set to somw number.
So when make install in DVB/driver all modules is installs under 
/lib/modules/2.4.18/misc (for kernel 2.4.18 :O )
and depmod looks for modules under /lib/modules/2.4.18XX (EXTRAVERSION).
So when u do depmod -a every thing looks good.
But when changing the CURRENT 2 the correct path, the dvb_firm.o has 
unresolved symbols, remove it and it works with depmod -a.
I read the net that redhat has on odd gcc version and i change to debian
with the same result (gcc version 2.95.4).

Now i try to use modprobe for the purpose 2 load all the modules for DVB
Ending up with no picture after that, same as Christoph case.
I try 2 make the modules.conf work with above, below, post-install and 
pre-install but depmod reports that there is some lock or no picture 
after modprobe.

So i try 2 do, as in 'make insmod' in the same order.
and it works fine then, that got me so confused.

use a script that loads the modules like
'make -C /usr/src/DVB/driver insmod'
like the runvdr script, that way it works just fine,
and if u got ARM crash the modules i removed and installed again.

in /etc/inittab

And change the necessary args to vdr in runvdr script.


Ronald Steininger wrote:
> Hi Christoph,
> You wrote:
>> With an earlyer version of vdr i had it started trough inittab with a 
>> line like:
>> vdr:4:respawn:/usr/local/bin/vdr --terminal=/dev/tty1 -v /opt/video
>> this is IMHO the most elegant way. the problem is: how to load the DVB 
>> drivers? Following lines in /etc/modules.conf used to work:
>> alias char-major-81     videodev
>> alias char-major-81-0   dvb
>> alias char-major-250    dvb
>> options dvb             init_chan=2 pids_off=0
>> options saa7146_core    mode=0
>> below saa7146_core     tuner tda8083 L64781 stv0299 VES1893 VES1820
>> above saa7146_core     saa7146_v4l
>> unfortunately this seems to be broken. lsmod shows that all drivers 
>> are loaded, but when the firmware should get started and tune to ntv 
>> the screen stays black.
>> Can somebody please help me?
> I'm using
> alias char-major-250 dvb
> alias /dev/ost/* dvb
> options dvb init_chan=2 pids_off=0
> options SP8870 debug=1
> options saa7146_core mode=0
> below saa7146_core tuner stv0299 tda8083 SP8870 L64781 VES1820 VES1893
> below dvb saa7146_v4l
> and this works fine on my system (I'm using devfs; maybe this makes a 
> difference)
> Best regards, Ronald.

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