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[vdr] Re: How to setup diseqc in vdr-1.1.12

Gregoire Favre wrote:

> is it possible to use my old channels.conf on which I use
> Astra/Hotbird/telecom 2B with diseqc value 0,1,2?

Ok, try the following:
add the following line to sources.conf:
S47E   Telecom 2b

S19.2E  11700 V  9750  [E0 10 38 F0]
S19.2E  99999 V 10600  [E0 10 38 F1]
S19.2E  11700 H  9750  [E0 10 38 F2]
S19.2E  99999 H 10600  [E0 10 38 F3]
S13E  11700 V  9750  [E0 10 38 F4]
S13E  99999 V 10600  [E0 10 38 F5]
S13E  11700 H  9750  [E0 10 38 F6]
S13E  99999 H 10600  [E0 10 38 F7]
S47E 11700 V  9750  [E0 10 38 F8]
S47E 99999 V 10600  [E0 10 38 F9]
S47E 11700 H  9750  [E0 10 38 Fa]
S47E 99999 H 10600  [E0 10 38 Fb]

(Note that the Fx values depend on how your LNBs are connected to your switch.)

You may use the following script to convert your old channels.conf:
--------------------------------  snip  --------------------------------------

%translate =
    "0" => "S19.2E",
    "1" => "S13E",
    "2" => "S47E",

$index = 3;

while (<>)
    @fields = split /:/;
    if (@fields != 10)
        $fields[$index] = $translate{$fields[$index]};
        print join ':', @fields;
--------------------------------  snip  --------------------------------------
Usage:  chconv < channels.conf.old >


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