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[vdr] Re: autostart for VDR

Hi again Sschmidt,  Thanx for the answer ... just to be a lil more accurate

I have VDR working '' a la perfection''  everything.conf   is okay


I read in a thread that I should demonize VDR to have it running without
having to log myself

the thing is that I want vdr to start automatically without having to pass
trough log+passW

So If I understand u well : I should do:
type:                       ''cd /etc ''
type :                      ''edit rc.local''
in rc.local  type :   ''cd /usr/local/src/VDR; ./runvdr &''
then type :             ''open -c2 runvdr''

Again to be accurate , this VDR will run as on a stand alone basis ... no
login to be done
even if I would like to be able to navigate through the OSD from the PC
keyboard and soon I hope with the  remote control

Thank u again for u r patience
++ Med Med

> Maybe vdr is looking for something it misses. Does it work without -d
> option. Are there some errormessages? Do you have a /video with a valid
> channels.conf? Do you have used a unsuported install script?
> If vdr works without -d then:
> Take hint 2 put there a line near the end of rc.local with the following:
> open -c2 runvdr
> That should start vdr on the 2. console window so you can see messages
> there and also can stop vdr easyly.
> Why do you want to start vdr as a demon? To make things complicated? ;-)
> --
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