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[vdr] Help with NEWSTRUCT

I'm trying to install NEWSTRUCT. Yesterday night I download the files with 
the following commands:

  cvs login  (hint enter when asked for a password)
  cvs co -r NEWSTRUCT DVB

Then I think I have the last modifications.

I compile at DVB/driver with make (all OK).
I do ./makedev.napi (devices created)
I do make insmod, then I get (last lines):

insmod input; \
insmod evdev; \
insmod dvb-ttpci.o init_vpid=0x00a2 init_apid=0x0060;
insmod: input: no module by that name found
insmod: evdev: no module by that name found
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol input_event_Rsmp_c2d64944
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol input_unregister_device_Rsmp_18c5fba3
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol input_register_device_Rsmp_d76b8c33
make[1]: *** [insmod] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/vdr/VDR11x/DVB/driver/av7110'
make: *** [insmod] Error 2

I have nexus 2.1, Suse with recompiled kernel 2.4.18

Any idea? thanks.

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