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[vdr] Re: NEWSTRUCT and VDR-1.1.2

Holger Waechtler wrote:
> bigg wrote:
> > Ok, that worked, thanks :)
> >
> > Now, probably another sill question, from what i've read, there's no
> > support for the remote that comes with the DVB-S rev 2.1 card, is this
> > also correct? If so... whoops, maybe I shouldn't have switched to
> > NEWSTRUCT yet...
> IR support is there, but it doesn't uses lirc but the linux input device
> instead. Somebody wrote a lirc driver for this device, check out the DVB
> mailing list archives. On the long run I would suggest linux input
> support in VDR.

As of VDR version 1.1.11 this can be done through a plugin.
Somebody just needs to write it...


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