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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: vdr with a wintv primio ?

On Friday 11 October 2002 16:56, you wrote:
> > And you will not really be happy with 352x288
> > resolution. Been there, done that :-)
> Huch? Actually I compress movies from VDR to divx and use 352x288. On
> TV, they look very good, can see almost no difference to the 7xxx from
> VDR.
> Christof

Well, let me put it differently :-) Real-time capturing and compressing of an 
analogue source at 352x288 on a sub-GHz PC.

Your conversion from VDR to divx is, depending on your machine, probably 
real-time or close to real-time, but it also doesn't hurt if you lag every 
now and then, whereas with real-time capturing you'll drop frames.

Also, VDR source is a brilliant noise-free source, free of any artifacts. This 
is not really true for captures from an analogue source.

But sure, a really good quality 352x288 looks just fine on a TV. I just wasn't 
able to capture that quality in real-time with a Duron 800MHz. Not from an 
analogue source anyway.


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