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[vdr] Re: Autostart (keyboard use only)

sschmidt wrote:

 > This IS very dangerous because you have no possibility to change to 
the 2. console to stop something. That's why i wouldn't do that. Trust 
me, you will end up with a new install because you can't send some 
questions to me if you do that. :-)

does work form me. the alt-F?? switching works even when vdr is running.

and just to satisfy my paranoia I start VDR exclusively in runlevel 4 
(which is unused in all distros I know) so i can avoid vdr startup 
through a boot option (see lilo docs on how to set this up)

that's how the lines in inittab look:

1:235:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
vdr:4:respawn:/usr/local/bin/vdr --terminal=/dev/tty1 -v /opt/video


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