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[vdr] Re: slightly OT: DVD-reader and DVD-writer

> I want to by a DVD-player and a separate DVD-writer.

> Which devices are working best with vdr and it's plugins?
> Until now I'm using NEC-DV5800, but it won't work with the
> DVD-plugin.....any
> hints (firmware upgrade or so)?

What kind of writer do you talk about ?

Usual DVD-R (or +R) Writer to crate DVD´s under Linux (only DATA)
Or do you mean this external DVD-VIDEO Writers ?

Here i use for playback a Pioneer DVD Slotin wich works well with the Plugin and the patch
and in a second machine i use a cheap Aopen DVD device - also no problem at all....

If i´m right there is still no DVD-R Video Autoring Software out for linux
with wich we/you could create "real" Video DVD´s out of a VDR recording.

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