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[vdr] Re: Determing which dvb-card is busy with recording

Am Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2002 10:52 schrieben Sie:
> Stefan Lang wrote:
> > is it possible to determine which dvb-card is recording a video?
> > Or is it possible to check the status of a timer?
> If you have an LCD it's displaying the card status

Yes in deed, but............ reading the info from the display is a little 
bit tricky... angle, contrast, and so on......  a red LED is more like a 
"warning".  Furthermore I want to write a script for converting a video, 
which will fire up a green LED, and I want to temporary move the, so killing the time consumption tasks is not possible 
anymore via "On/Off"-Switch on the RC.  When expanding the system to a 
"Web-Surf-Station" or an "E-Mail-CLient" I'm able to indicate an incoming 
mail via another LED. 

> > I want to switch a red LED to "on", when the system is running "headless"
> > and records something. I want to check this "externely" (without
> > touching the vdr source) with a script and turn the LED "on" or "off".
> what do you mean with "headless"??

Headless means without the monitor / tv turned on. Only with the display; and 
there are many things I want to do which could not be displayed via LCD.

> > @Klaus:
> > What's with a little and simple "interface" for scripts? Writing and
> > deleting the statusflags of various things into a file is very helpfull.
> > So everyone is able to write his own automatisms with scripts
> maybe we can get information via svdrp

I didn't have any knowledge regarding svdrp. Any info is welcome!
When it works, I will post my little c-program to the community. It simply 
turns eight LEDs on or off; you can control this via commandline, so you can 
integrate it in any script. The tool uses LCDproc with its "8bit extended" 


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