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[vdr] Re: [linux-dvb] Re: Problems using two Hauppauge DVB-S-Cardsin one computer possible?

Mattia Rossi wrote:

>I am still testing the combination vdr 1.1.13 - dvb-2002-06-23-patched or dvb-2002-10-15-NEWSTRUCT (dvd,mp3,mplayer,lcdproc,miniaio,lirc enabled and working) , I am actually having problems recording channels with the nova-s (no problem with the two nexus-s), but I cannot reproduce the problem easily, so I'll keep testing and send another email when I find out what's causing the problem. 

Strange, I have the same problem here
with one Nexus-s and one Nova-s, vdr 1.1.11
and dvb-2002-06-23-patched: No recordings
are possible on the Nova-s.


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