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[vdr] Re: help with translations for DVD plugin wanted

On Wed 16 Oct, Andreas Schultz bloviated thus:

> Many thanks everybody, that was faster than i had hoped for! :-)))

This is a good illustration of how to get good work out of people.
Keep the required work small enough that it will only take a couple of
minutes.  This particularly applies to things like translations as
anyone who can do the work doesn't actually NEED it since they can
read both versions...

> I've also got a French translations from Simon Rumble. I went with 
> Olivers, since he is a native and Simon said he was not. I hope you are 
> both ok with that?

No problem.  Out of interest, please sent me what he wrote so I can
learn.  My computing terminology in French isn't great.

Rev Simon Rumble <>
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In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare,
terror, murder, bloodshed---they produced Michelangelo,
Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they
had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and
peace and what did that produce...? The cuckoo clock.

- Orson Welles

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