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[vdr] Re: burned DVB-s

Hi all
can we say tha t the common ground of the RCA wire that connect video output
of a dvb rev1.3 to the RCA of the TV entry is enough grounded to be called
common groung or do we need to connect another free wire between all the
coponent to make sure a 100% that everything is grounded ??

Tx MedMed

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roberto Deza" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:14 AM
Subject: [vdr] Re: burned DVB-s

> Hi,
> At 13:30 17/10/2002 +0200, Sergei Haller wrote:
> >Yesterday I disconnected the composite video cable between my dvb-s
> >and  the  TV set and after connecting it again, I had no picture any
> >Sound  and  everything else is ok. Just no video. The tv set and the
> >work just fine, the dvb-s on an other tv set does not work.
> >
> >So I suppose, that I burned something while (dis-)connecting the cable.
> >
> >Does someone have an idea what I can look for and where.
> I'm sorry by your card but I don't have any hope that this problem can
> have any recovery, if your card is really damaged :-( ; the Composite
> Video goes out directly from the AV711x and any semiconductor is very
> easy to broken.
> Many times, the reason of this type of problems is the lack of a "common
> ground" between the to be interconnected devices. The "common ground" is
> a simple wire that *permanently* interconect the metal chasis of all
> devices (in your case, the PC and your TV) and is not need that this wire
> will be connected to a real Ground.
> This common ground precaution is extensive to every device that need to
> be connected to the PC as, printers, scaners, STBs (perhaps with some
> BDM, JTAG, etc interface), etc. Regrettably, I've heard and know myself
> many of this problems.
> IMHO, this *security measures* are not too know and commented, as it
> should be :-((.
> >There  are  the  connectors J3,J4 (for CD-audio) and J8. Is it possible
> >connect the tv set via J8? (I'm afraid, no. right?)
> You are right, is not possible. Nor in a revision <2.1, with J2, could
> have much hope, as there is only *one* Composite Video output coming out
> of AV711x, wich is also need on the RGB (for the TV Syncs) and S-VIDEO
> modes.
> Best regards:
> --
> Roberto Deza Asensio
> Universidad de Navarra
> Data Procesing Center
> --
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