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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: mix Nexus TV out with GFX card TV out ?

> > yes, in fact display is shrinked to feet the TV resolution 720*576 (pal)

> And what for do you need more than 720*576 as your TV can't display higher
> resolutions physically?

I do not need that :)

The only thing I want, is to display DivX on my TV with a linux box in
console mode. And as the cpu is only a PII 400 Mhz, I don't want it to loose
time to shrink movie to fit TV screen. So there're 2 solutions:
- the first: use a matrox G400 dualHead to do TV output as mplayer and linux
support one of the great function of this card: it display on the TV the
exact copy of the VGA display, doing all need resize in hardwar
- the second: use a VGA-to-TV box to convert the VGA freqencies (31 Khz and
above) in TV viewable display.

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