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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: burned DVB-s


>>Well -> bad luck.
>Normally lightnig will not strike the antenna cable.

Well actually it is next to impossible to say where
lightning will strike. If your house (e.g.) is twice as high
as your neighbors, but your neighbor has a soil, which
contains more iron (e.g.) you can (almost) pretty safely
bet that lightning will strike his property and not yours.
Also it should be noted that lightning does not travel
from cloud to ground, but rather the other way around ;ö))

>But if it strike anywhere close a surge will be induced
>into the cable killing everything that is connected to it.
>Same applies to Cat-5 cable by the way....

True, which is why I suggested the faraday cage to Steffen.
The cage will prevent this from happening (you can`t induce
a current into a cable thru a faraday cage) and your Cat-5
or whatever cable is safe and lightning "proof" At least as
long as the lightning doesn`t vaporize your "cage" ;o))


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