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[vdr] Re: AW: dynamic range compression

Gavin Hamill wrote:
> > changes on the compression to the dvb-s, to create that mode you will
> > have to decompress the audio stream, make your modifications and
> > recompress it - all realtime - that will be a good amount of load to
> > your cpu
>>This has nothing to do with file-compression but with dynamic
>>compression, limiting the volume of a audio-stream to a certain level.
> Yeh, what normal people refer to as 'normalisation' .. I think the point
> being made was that in order to perform normalisation, you first have to
> decompress the MPEG audio into raw PCM, apply a normalisation filter, and
> then output that to the Dxr3 or DVB card...
Again, not correct. Normalisation is NOT dynamic compression. 
Normalisation 'corrects' the volume for the whole stream. Dynamic 
compression only 'corrects' loud parts to a specific volume.

> The debate was whether the card needed to have the audio re-compressed to
> MPEG audio again before being played =)
don't know... never tested that.

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