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[vdr] VDR + lcdproc + keypad

Hello list,
I received yesterday a lcd display from matrix orbital that also supports keypads up to 25 keys.

I wrote a small perl script that maps keypad key presses to svdrpsend commands. 
I am thinking about changing this into a VDR plugin, but I am going to do it only if it can be useful to other people ... just let me know

Hope it is useful for the community.


I run it in the lcdproc init script just after the LCDd command:
/usr/local/sbin/ 2>1 >/dev/null &

---- [ begin ] ------------------

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# - freely adapted from Matrix Orbital perl example
#	Usage:
#	keypad
#		o input is sent to vdr via SVDRP command 
#		o (optional) input is displayed on your monitor
#      License: Free as in 'Free beer' ;-)
# How it Works: the lcdproc driver can handle keypads with appropriate hardware. This script maps keypad key presses to
#		svdrpsend commands.
# Supported Hardware: At the moment only Matrix Orbital serial displays are supported, it should be trivial to add support
#		      for HD44780 displays connected as described in the lcdproc howtos
# Features: Allows the use of a keypad with VDR ( Works by mapping 
#           keypad entries to svdrp commands
# 	    Due to the limited number of keys present on a tipycal keypad (mine has 16) 
#           I had to introduce a 'shift' key in order to be able to 
# 	    use the full range of (basic) VDR keys
# Requirements :
# 	A working lcdproc installation (keypad included)
# 	A running LCDd daemon
# 	A running vdr instance that listens on port 2001 for svdrp connections
# Once all these conditions are met simply running this perl script will enable the keypad mapping to svdrp commands
# Config variables needed:
#    SvdrpSendPath: Location of the perl script
#    Shiftkey: Contains the (keypad) character that is used to trigger the shift function (default on my keypad: Back button)
#    ShiftKeyNumNeeded:	Contains the value that indicates how many times the shift 
#                       key must be pressed in order to enable/disable the shift function
#    KeypadKeys: Associative array containing all the possible keypad keys for a given keypad. 
#                It has to be configured for every different keypad installation
#    		 (key returned depends on the keypad and on the connector position on the lcd keypad interface) . 
#                Keypad keys are then mapped to vdr standard keys
#    KeyPadKeysShifted: Same as Keypadkeys but contains the mappings to use when in shift mode 
#    SerialFileName : device pointing to lirc comm port
#29/11/2002: Initial release - basic functionality - 
#    	     tested with only one 16 key keypad from Matrix Orbital (
# 	     and a 4x20 serial lcd from Matrix Orbital
#   Here is the current mapping (keypad -> lcdproc -> vdr)
#   Keypad Layout - Lcdproc Layout - VDR Key
#   Normal
#   1  2  3  A      T  E  J  O       1  2  3    Red
#   4  5  6  B      S  D  I  N       4  5  6    Green
#   7  8  9  C      R  C  H  M       7  8  9    Yellow
#   +  0  -  D      B  Q  G  L       Ok 0  Back Blue
#   Shifted (2 Back keypresses)
#   Keypad Layout - Lcdproc Layout - VDR Key
#   1  2  3  A      T  E  J  O       1     Up    3      Red
#   4  5  6  B      S  D  I  N       Left  Menu  Right  Green
#   7  8  9  C      R  C  H  M       7     Down  9      Yellow
#   +  0  -  D      B  Q  G  L       Ok    0     Back   Blue

use strict;
use diagnostics ;

use POSIX ;
use IO::Select ;
use Fcntl ;

$| = 1 ;

my $SerialFileName = '/dev/lcd' ;		# com1 or ttyS0 (com2)
my $Selector = '' ;
my $Shutdown = 0 ;
my $SvdrpSendPath = '/usr/local/bin/';
my $str = '';
my $ShiftKeyPressed = 0;
my $ShiftKey	 = 'G';
my $ShiftKeyNumPressed	 = 0;
my $ShiftKeyNumNeeded	 = 2;
my %KeyPadKeys = (
 "T" => "1",		# Keypad 1
 "E" => "2",		# Keypad 2
 "J" => "3",		# Keypad 3
 "S" => "4",		# Keypad 4
 "D" => "5",		# Keypad 5
 "I" => "6",		# Keypad 6
 "R" => "7",		# Keypad 7
 "C" => "8",		# Keypad 8
 "H" => "9",		# Keypad 9
 "B" => "0",		# Keypad 0
 "Q" => "Ok",		# Keypad +
 "G" => "Back",		# Keypad -
 "O" => "Red",		# Keypad A
 "N" => "Green",	# Keypad B
 "M" => "Yellow",	# Keypad C
 "L" => "Blue",		# Keypad D
my %KeyPadKeysShifted = (
 "T" => "1",		# Keypad 1
 "E" => "Up",		# Keypad 2
 "J" => "3",		# Keypad 3
 "S" => "Left",		# Keypad 4
 "D" => "Menu",		# Keypad 5
 "I" => "Right",	# Keypad 6
 "R" => "7",		# Keypad 7
 "C" => "Down",		# Keypad 8
 "H" => "9",		# Keypad 9
 "B" => "0",		# Keypad 0
 "Q" => "Ok",		# Keypad +
 "G" => "Back",		# Keypad -
 "O" => "Red",		# Keypad A
 "N" => "Green",	# Keypad B
 "M" => "Yellow",	# Keypad C
 "L" => "Blue",		# Keypad D

#	initialize
sub initialize
my $DisplayFD ;
my $DisplayTermios ;
my $CFlag ;
my $LFlag ;
my $OFlag ;
my $IFlag ;

print STDERR "initialize\n" ;

#---- Open display serial device ----#
open DisplayIO, "+> $SerialFileName"		# open serial (display) device
	or die ("Can't open tty: $!") ;
$DisplayFD = fileno (DisplayIO) ;

$DisplayTermios = POSIX::Termios->new () ;
$DisplayTermios->getattr ($DisplayFD) ;

$DisplayTermios->setispeed (B19200) ;		# serial input speed (19200bps)
$DisplayTermios->setospeed (B19200) ;		# serial output speed (19200bps)

$CFlag = $DisplayTermios->getcflag () ;
$LFlag = $DisplayTermios->getlflag () ;
$OFlag = $DisplayTermios->getoflag () ;
$IFlag = $DisplayTermios->getiflag () ;

$OFlag &= ~(OPOST) ;
$CFlag |= (CREAD|CS8|CLOCAL) ;

$DisplayTermios->setcflag ($CFlag) ;		# update serial settings
$DisplayTermios->setlflag ($LFlag) ;
$DisplayTermios->setoflag ($OFlag) ;
$DisplayTermios->setiflag ($IFlag) ;
$DisplayTermios->setattr ($DisplayFD, TCSANOW) ;	# update serial device

#syswrite DisplayIO, sprintf ("%cX", 0xfe) ;	# clear LCD

#---- Initialize selector ----#
$Selector = new IO::Select (\*DisplayIO)	# Create selector
	or die ("Selector create") ;

} # initialize #

#	process_keypad_input
sub process_keypad_input
my $ret ;
my $KeyPadInput ;

print "process_keypad_input\n" ;

$ret = sysread DisplayIO, $KeyPadInput, 1 ;		# read keypad

#syswrite DisplayIO, $KeyPadInput ;			# write kb input to display

if ($ret <= 0)
	{						# keypad IO closed??
	print "keypad input: zero\n" ;
	return ;

# This translation depends on the type of display,
# the type of keypad, and how the keypad is plugged into the display
if ($KeyPadInput eq $ShiftKey){
  $ShiftKeyNumPressed ++;
  if ($ShiftKeyNumPressed >= $ShiftKeyNumNeeded){
    $ShiftKeyPressed = !$ShiftKeyPressed;
    $ShiftKeyNumPressed = 0;
#  print "Shift Key Pressed ". $ShiftKeyNumPressed." times ( ". $ShiftKeyNumNeeded." times needed)\n";
#  print "Shift Key pressed : ".($ShiftKeyPressed ? "True" : "False") ."\n";

$str = $SvdrpSendPath ." HITK ".($ShiftKeyPressed ? $KeyPadKeysShifted{$KeyPadInput}:$KeyPadKeys{$KeyPadInput}). " \n";
print $str;
system $str;
#$KeyPadInput =~ tr/SAPKBQLCRMFGHIDN/0123456789ABCD+-/ ;	# translate keypad input

#print "KeyPad='$KeyPadInput'\n" ;				# show keypad input

} # process_keypad_input #

#	main

initialize () ;

while (! $Shutdown)
	my @Hands = $Selector->can_read (10) ;	# wait for input or 10 seconds
	foreach my $Hand (@Hands)
		if ($Hand == \*DisplayIO)
			{								# display keypad input
			process_keypad_input () ;

close (DisplayIO) ;

exit 0 ;

---- [ end ] ---------------------

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