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[vdr] Re: unique channel id

Am Donnerstag, 21. November 2002 12:37 schrieben Sie:
> Régis Bossut wrote:
> > Klaus Schmidinger writes:
> > >I'll change the channel ID so that it can (optionally) include an APID,
> > > which should solve the problem with the french radio stations.
> >
> > Hmmmm, I should have mentioned that together with the radio name, the
> > 0xc5 descriptor gives an unique id (the first byte is the radio number,
> > remaining bytes up to the first 0x00 is the radio name). May be this id
> > should be added, instead of the APID.
> I don't want to have strings in the channel ID, since these are subject to
> change (one of the ideas of the channel ID is to be able to react on name
> changes). So far the only useful additional ID I can see is the APID.

well... i guess the apids might change just as the strings might! therefor i 
would suggest to really only stick to source, NID, TID and SID as that really 
does identify every station (considering that those radio "stations" are 
really only one station with different apids)
to solve the "french radio problem" i would propose to:

1) not check the channels.conf for uniqueness (that would also allow building 
own bouquets as somebody asked for on some other thread), when a unique 
channel id is to be mapped to a channel from channels.conf the first one 
could be chosen (you could maybe give a warning message when this occurs, but 
ignore it)

2) allow optional values to entries in files like timers.conf, which could be 
alternating apids or vpids or anything else, in order to record those (this 
would also allow recording of alternating languages for movies, but actually 
this might be possible already, never tried that yet

3) later, when you actually strip the data like frequency, polarisation and so 
on from channels.conf, you should also support those alternative values, 
which would then be used as defaults for those channels still allowing to 
switch to other eg apids as they r broadcasted for the corresponding sid...
like that:

Premiere Direkt 1 Deutsch:xxx;
Premiere Direkt 1 Original:xxx:apid=n;

(xxx stands for the uChID)
you could maybe even allow relativ apid entries, so that the third line would  
look like:

Premiere Direkt 1 Original:xxx:apid=+1;

as usually the apids only increase by one from one audio channel to the 

when scheduling or starting recordings the optional values should then be 
passed to the timers.conf, to make sure u actually record, what u want!!

> Needless to say that it would have been best if the providers would have
> adhered to the commonly used scheme of using unique SIDs for their
> channels... After all, the EPG records _will_ be the same for all these
> channels since they can only be distinguished by their SIDs - or am I
> missing something here?

i suppose those radio stations do not send out epg-data, but i could be wrong 
about that, i dont use those channels...

just my thoughts... hope somebody likes it ;-)


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