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[vdr] Re: video data stream broken

Sven Goethel wrote:
> ...
> well, because of this problem,
> i send klaus my retune patch for vdr-1.1.17.
> (all my 1.1.17 patches works nice for 1.1.18 also ;-)
> the retune patch does retune to the wanted channel several times.
> a retune means to switch to channel 1 (be sure this is an easy good quality one)
> and then back to your channel ..
> sounds funny, but since this patch, my recordings were nearly correct.
> the little gap while retuning is quiet negligible..
> @klaus: how about my other patches apid-switch and remote ?
>         shall i offer them on my webpage as an optional thing ?

Sure, everybody is free to publish whatever patches they want ;-)

But please understand that it simply takes a while before I can consider
adding a patch to the VDR source. In case of the "retune" thing I have
to see how this fits into my currently ongoing changes to do the actual
tuning in a separate thread (necessary to make it work with motor DiSEqC
antennas, and also to make channel switching react faster in general).
The apid-switch thing first needs to be tested to see if it still works
with the other systems (you wrote you need this change to make it work
on _your_ system - but I guess you haven't verified whether this still works
on _other_ systems, or did you?). Finally, the remote  thing is AFAIK, already
handled in the "Remote" plugin from Oliver Endriss, so I see no need to make this
part of the VDR source.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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