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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.1.19

> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> VDR developer version 1.1.19 is now available at
> The changes since version 1.1.18:
> - The actual tuning is now done in a separate thread, which 
> makes zapping through the
>   channels a lot faster and no longer gets stuck on channels 
> that don't broadcast.
>   This also makes "Motor-DiSEqC" work (thanks to Reinhard 
> Walter Buchner for his help
>   in testing this). Since switching channels now no longer 
> explicitly waits for a
>   channel lock in the foreground thread, the "panic level" 
> mechanism is no longer
>   used (maybe we don't need it any more, anyway).

Great! Thanks for that!

Cu Ulrich

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