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[vdr] Re: DVB-C

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Ekholm []
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 1:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] DVB-C
> Is there btw something special with DVB-C cards? I can't seem to
> really find them anywhere. Most shops stock the S versions and some the T,
> but almost none has the C version, and those that seem to sell it don't
> have it in stock. 
> I've so far only looked at the Hauppauge DVB-C card, I don't really know
> of any other ones that would work.

No, actually not. IIRC, with the rev 2.1 the DVB-C/S/T are identical except
for the tuner.

BUT, DVB is not that well known in cable environments. E.g. in Germany you
will have next to no benefits switching to DVB as long as you stay with FTA
channels. And on top of that the private channels are not distributed via
DVB-cable :-(


> -- 
> "It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent 
> whatsoever," he said.
>               "Have you thought of going into teaching?"  
>                                                     -- Terry 
> Pratchett, Mort
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