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[vdr] Re: teletext problem

Oliver Endriss schrieb:
> Teletext reinsertion works with all vdr versions I tried (1.0.4 and later),
> but most old drivers for 1.0.4 need the patch below.
> With vdr 1.1.x and new drivers it works out of the box.

So, my problem with this reinsertion results from my type of connection
to the TV (RGB scart on J2).

Now, back to the original post. Is there anybody out there who has
the teletext plugin (0.7.6) working with vdr >=1.1.19 ?  What else can
I do to have a compiling plugin? Or altenatively, if I would use an 
older ffmpeg, how can I get a readable output of the plugin?

Bye, Ingo

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