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[vdr] Re: OT: Breaking the Threads

Steffen Koch wrote:
> Juri Haberland wrote:
>> You completely got my posting wrong. I just hate Exchange. And I had a
>> little off-list conversation with the list member I meant, and no, I do
>> not blame him personally for using this crap. As it stands, he, and most
>> other Exchange victims are victims of their company. He has no way to
>> change the behaviour of what he is forced to use. It is just that the
> not really... we're having an exchange server, too (as you can see in 
> the headers) but for mailing-lists I use mozilla... (for now) work 
> perfectly. At least no one ever (for the last few months) complained 
> about me breaking threads... ;-))

Yes, but you are using the Exchange server as an ordenary SMTP Server
with a good mail client. But he is forced to use Outlook which speaks
some M$-specific protokol with the Exchange server...


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