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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer plugin 0.7.9 available (plugin development)

On 19 Dec 2002 Matthias Raus <> wrote:

> I just tried to get it working with my ISDN connection, but I did not 
> succeed. In this version, the CDDB function does not work at all for me, 
> even with Audio-CD the data of which are already stored in 
> /var/lib/cddb. When choosing "local & remote" in the settings of this 
> plugin, the script is started: an internet connection is 
> established and finished again after 20 sec. I see "CDDB Abfrage" on the 
> bottom of the screen, but obviously no data are found. Then the CD is 
> started to be played, but the menu still shows "CDDB Abfrage".

In the new concept you doesn't need a script. You only
need a script to establish/handup your internet connection (see
examples/ and -n/--network commandline
option). The CDDB connection is handled from inside the plugin.
The network script is called twice. Before network access (with
option "up") and 30s after last network access has finished
(with option "down").

The network script should not return before the connection
actualy has been established (is usable).

For further debug, please start VDR from a console (that you see
debug output, assuming you haven't disable DEBUG). Start replay
for a single track on CD once with local data and once without
local data. Mail me the console output.

> Something is still wrong here; what exactly do I have to write in the 
> setting entries "CDDB  Server" and "CDDB port"??

I think the defaults are pretty self explanatory. Server gets the
server name (e.g. "") and Port gets the connection
port on the server (usualy 888 for CDDBP).

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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