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[vdr] Re: vdradmin v0.18

On 21 Dec 2002 Emil Naepflein <> wrote:
> On 20 Dec 2002 21:07:35 GMT, (Stefan Huelswitt)
> wrote:
>> Another thing: on the timers page, all repeating timers are
>> displayed several times.
> This has been implemented by me to show conflicts between the repeating
> timers in the future. The timer entries are repeated till the last
> non-repeating timer.

For me it's quite confusing. If you have set a timer 14 days in
the future, the list grows big.

And what happens if I delete one of the repeated entries? Is the
complete timer deleted or splitt up into several timers?

Maybe this repeat feature could be made configurable? Or display
the timers once, give any of them a color and have a timebar
below which shows the time positions.

Any ways, seeing conflicts isn't easy if you think of multiple
cards and VDRs multi-recording/card feature.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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