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[vdr] Re: PANIC !!! Cant see fta/ca after using ci

Hi Reinhard,

If been trying several times to send this post but it seems that my answer 
never gets to the list, so here I write it again.

> I thought you could hear the audio? That would speak
> against a defective cable.
What I heard was the sound of the tuner itself on switching channels.

> Do you have anything inbetween the DVB card and the
> LNB (multiswitch, Preamp, etc)?
Yes, I am in block that has a preinstalation, that was the problem, The dish 
was moved so I had no signal; now its fixed, I can watch fta but no non fta 
> > By the way my CI pcb is version 1.4 
> Okay, that's the same version I am using and it works
> fine with the MM.
Not for me, what I am doing wrong?
I have tried all conbinations of CICAM between my provider (Canal Satelite) 
and Free to Air. BUt still cannot see non fta. I have the mm in the lower 
slot of the CI.
> BTW: Did you try the original channels.conf?
Yes, I can watch fta. I adden my channels but allways the same, I cannot 
scrooll trhu non fta, if I switch to one manually vdr says channel not 

I will try to send also this post with another subject as now it is not so 

Thanks In advance for any help on this issue.


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