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[vdr] Re: Premote Plugin

Hi Luis,

>I better explain myself more accuratelly.
>My CI has already an IR tsop (not a jack
>connector) assembled on factory on 

Interesting. I've never hear of that combo. Is this
the CI Version, which you can mount in a 3.5" 
drive slot? (wouldn't make any sense to have it
as a slot mounted card at the rear of the PC:o))

My CI (from the Activy 300) has nothing where
the TSOP or jack usually goes. In the A 300 the
CI is internally mounted and you wouldn't be able
to reach a jack there. I just soldered the TSOP
into the holes, where the jack usually resides.

>Do I have to add anything else?

No, not that I know of. I am using a TSOP 1738
(i.e 38kHz carrier frequency)

>Do I have to connect anything at J2 in the dvb-s

No, definately not. The IR connection on J2 is
disabled as soon as a CI module is connected
to the DVB.

Maybe the person who was using the remote
plugin on a rev 1.3 can say, what he did.


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