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[vdr] Re: EPIA-M MPEG2 with VDR?

Gavin Hamill <> wrote:

> So we'd be providing an XFree86-like interface to the provided binary 

Maybe not. I would think the libmpeg isn't XF86 specific. 

> I'm curious as to how you elicited such a relatively detailed response - most 

I just asked :-)) 

> people seem to get a useless "we are currently looking into ... blablabla" 
> reply... Did you just write the a generic support address at ?

Yes. Maybe it's not as bad as it looks. 

T:	One big monster, he called TROLL.
	He don't rock, and he don't roll;
	Drink no wine, and smoke no stogies.
	He just Love To Eat Them Roguies.
		-- The Roguelet's ABC

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