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[vdr] Re: Linux Distribution

Jürgen Schilling wrote:

> Hallo,
> I am new to VDR and I just start to build my hardware. Linux is not a
> problem for me, because I have years of experiences with Linux, but
> what is the best distribution choice for VDR? Red Hat 8.0 or Suse 8.1?
> What distributions are used with VDR?

You may have problems with the heavily patched vendor kernels when 
trying to compile/load the DVB drivers. I am running SuSE 8.0, and got 
missing references when loading the DVB modules on the 8.0 standard 
kernel. An unmodified kernel 2.4.20 worked. Presently I am running the 
SuSE 8.1 kernel on my 8.0, that's working too. So a SuSE 8.1 should be 


> Juergen
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