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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: DXR3 plugin vdr-dxr3-0.1.2

In message <>
          Stefan Schluenss <> wrote:


Merry Christmas to you too - and thankyou for replying so quickly!

[ OSD h-scale ]

> We are trying to determine the video resolution  out of the MPEG data. 

I see.  Very hi-tech!  :-)

> Unfortunately some stations are sending some garbage and therefore we only 
> check for a horizontal resolution of 720. Otherwise the OSD will be 
> downscaled to a width of 480. I guess those stations are sending with 702
> (which we have forgotten) and this  results in downscaling. 
> You could try to patch line 388 of spuenc.c from
> 	if (hsize != 720)
> to
> 	if ((hsize != 720) || (hsize != 702))

I've made the change, done 'make plugins', copied the new library over, and
re-started VDR.  Result?  The OSD is now too small (horizontally) on *all*
channels (previously it was OK on BBC 1, but too small on the rest).

I know this is nasty, but... the following change makes it work OK for me:

  if (0)


i.e. don't ever bother with the scaling stuff.  It seems to be OK for the UK
DVB-T channels.


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