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[vdr] Re: VDR Recording file

goldwing wrote:
> Im looking for a way to change the standard file for recording using the
> GUI for vdr. If i change the Videodir file, it has no effect as to where
> the recorded file is placed. I would like to record the file to another
> Harddrive or even to another Harddrive in my internal net. Please keep
> in mind im using the GUI interface and not the command line. ( I have a
> wife who only can read a tv screen). Any help is appriceated...

You could mount that drive under your /video directory and add the directory
name to the timer's filename. Assuming you mount the driver to /video/mydrive,
the filename in the timer could be


Note the '~' ("tilde"), which works as a directory separator here.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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