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[vdr] Re: pre-announce: new streaming plugin

Am Son, 2003-02-09 um 21.55 schrieb Sascha Volkenandt:
> Hello list,
> I'd like to pre-announce my new streaming-plugin, now that the control 
> protocol works I am pretty eager that finishing it in a first version will 
> not take too long now.
> It will be a single plugin split up into components. 
> The Server component (when enabled - configurable) starts together with VDR 
> and listens for control connections and has a protocol similar to SVDRP. When 
> a channel is requested, it looks if any available card can receive it, and a 
> data connection is opened to transfer the video data to the client.
> The Client component (not yet started to implement) will bring up it's own 
> (VDR-like) menu, where you can control the remote VDR. If the server tells 
> the client that a channel is currently unavailable, it will show a similar 
> message to VDR's "Channel not available". The Client is supposed to be 
> implemented as a device, so you can use a VDR with only a dxr3-card (or other 
> Output-Device-Plugins) as a client.
> The protocol allows to write other clients (controlled via mplayer for 
> example) as well. This could be an mplayer window and another window where 
> the control is done, or similar.
> I'd like to hear about my concept - and ideas will be appreciated, especially 
> when delivered before I implement something different;).
> The Protocol is (yet) Unicast, I'll think about implementing a 
> multicast-capable version which knows by itself if a stream is already 
> transported or if a new stream has to be sent. But as this should be a 
> complete client/server solution, I don't know if that will happen really 
> often. 
> This way you could build up one VDR-Server (with 1-n Nova-Cards) and 1-n 
> Clients with dxr3-cards (or even no mpeg-hardware at all, once an 
> X11-Output-Plugin or similar is created). 

Great, that's what I'm looking for!

But one suggestion:

For simple live-streaming only (for several client-PCs in a quick
setup), you should extend your current stream-plugin.

Instead of just taking the current primary stream on air, you should
generate a feed like "rtp://[vdr-serverIP]:[port]/[channel-uid]" for
each channel in channels.conf, which doesn't stream by default, but only
if one or more clients are connected.

This would be a simple solution for clients which only want to use a
Player, but not install additional software.


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