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[vdr] Re: Nova-CI, dxr3 and vdr

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 06:28:32PM +0100, Sven Soltau wrote:
> Hello Marcel,
> yes, I know it, but it didn't help me.
> I can start in em8300/modules the driver with ldm and after that I
> managed to start em8300setup - yes it works as I can see with a test in
> mplayer.
> But I have no success to start the em8300 driver automatically when I
> satrt vdr in inittab.
> So could you be so kind and help me where and how do I have to start
> them - maybe a copy of runvdr and modules.conf or what else I need to
> change.

I do 

modprobe bt865
modprobe adv717x
modprobe em8300

during boot. And then I added a call to em8300setup to my runvdr before 
everything else. I tried using the "post-install em8300 em8300setup" line 
that was mentioned in the DXR3 docs, but it always produced errors, 
although the result seemed to work ok. SO I've disbaled that and do it in 
runvdr now. Everything seems to work fine.

Ah, you wanted to know where to load the modules when starting VDR /
booting your machine... I'm running Gentoo Linux which has this 
modules.autoload file in /etc. All modules mentioned in that file are 
modprobed into the kernel during boot, so that's how I do it. I guess the 
easiest way would be to add the above modprobe lines to the top of 
runvdr... HTH.

> Have a nice day.
> Greetings
> Sven


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