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[vdr] Re: Disk space

Bernd Felsche wrote:
I was thinking it over for a while now... I now have some amount
of disk space. All in all it's about 400 Gigs on 4 disks. I'd like
to build a software raid5 and on top of it an LVM with space for
the videos, the mp3s, other stuff for networking clients...

Is it possible to add additional disks to a running raid5 config?
I know that I can add volumes to a LVM VG, and then dynamically
resize the partitions (LVs) including the fs on it.
I wouldn't use raid5 for a recorder. The data striping will cause
all drives to write simultaneously as the bits get splattered across
the lot. Hence raid5 writes very slowly (it sucks dirty swamp water
through a crushed straw if you're transacting on an RDBMS).
that shouldn't be a problem. The disk subsystem is in a fileserver anyway. So the data has to pass the network first. And a raid5 with actual hdd's should be able to handle traffic of 4 concurrent video streams.

raid10 (1+0) is probably the fastest and "safest". But you need
double the number of drives (capacity).
that's the point. maybe I build a raid for the important data, and just use LVM for the videos.

If drives are hot-pluggable, then it's theoretically feasible to add
storage on the fly. You may have to convnce the kernel to re-probe
the corresponding interfaces; no big deal with SCSI drivers as
they're hot-pluggable (but make sure your electronics are as well!).
SCSI disks aren't the problem, the problem is to get the driver to rescan the bus...

Choose your filesystems carefully!
which one do you prefer?

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