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[vdr] Re: vdr - lirc

On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 23:26, Ralf Schlechtweg-Jahn wrote:
> > You don't need to do anything with .lircrc.  The best way to get this to
> > work is to rm /video/remote.conf and then start vdr.  vdr will go into
> > learning mode and ask you to press each key in turn.  At the end if will
> > create a /video/remote.conf
> I have tried this too, but no learning mode.  Does it go into this mode 
> automatically, or must (or can) I do something to force it?

As far as I know, if there is no remote.conf vdr will always go into
learning mode.  I will let someone who knows the code answer now!

> -- 
> Tschüß
> Ralf
> * Dr. Ralf Schlechtweg-Jahn
> * University of Bayreuth
> *
> *

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